…in reply to @brennx0r
brennx0r It Depends™ - what does “Give it away” mean? Can I set it free?
…in reply to @jefflembeck
brennx0r Also: what’s my aptitude? In this scenario am I Me? Or am I somebody with a lot more/less resources? Am I an expert in elephants?
…in reply to @jefflembeck
brennx0r Am I in my current location? I’m not somebody whose morals would allow me to kill an elephant but also is the elephant old and am I and all of my large family starving and would it save us?
…in reply to @jefflembeck
brennx0r Anyway. These questions, as you know, are all about figuring out the actual problem - what the constraints are - and what you’d be willing to do. If no on setting it free and your life is the exact same as now, is there a place you could house it? If no? Keep going