jefflembeck’s avatarjefflembeck’s Twitter Archive—№ 28,269

        1. I plan grocery trips around what sounds good instead of what’s on sale (this is still surreal feeling) shidonichan/1528794855308247041
      1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
        This list is actually huge: - therapy - keep the car updated on its recommended maintenance schedule - checkups at the doctor - I have a house - I fill up the gas tank every time
    1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
      - I can go out with friends and just split the bill and not worry about itemizing - I can pick up the tab when I’m with friends who are between jobs or are just down - vacation
  1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
    I talk a lot of shit but this industry allowed a completely different life for me and my family. It’s unreal.