jefflembeck’s avatarjefflembeck’s Twitter Archive—№ 26,985

      1. Had a "Thinking about my career" moment and landed on "My highlight reel has always been in empowering engineers" Devtools, platform work, management — it's all solving a different part of the problem "How can I make the work of the people generating the $$ around here simpler?"
    1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
      These problems are sticky and hard to solve and you can't A/B test them the same way. They take months of work and a ton of trust. They also get you the absolute loudest group of people. Engineers make a shit ton of cash and getting in their way is a good way to _hear about it_
  1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
    But I have a brain that likes to think about permutations of the future and I like deep and systemic fixes. Performance, accessibility, cycle time, catching bugs before the users do (or, jesus, your ceo), issue tracking, docs, etc. etc. etc. This is what my mind wanders to.
    1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
      Mix in with that somebody who could never decide on a specialization (Happy Generalist, forever) and eventually I turned into "Well, 👋🏻 this thing 👋🏻 is broken. Broken all to hell. Put that guy on it." on a loop.
      1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
        Anyway, navel-gazing, but whenever I hear "What was your path to management?" It was this. Leadership isn't ever going to be "Jeff likes power", because honestly? That part of the job sucks. There are problems that need to be solved to make people succeed. Look to solve them
        1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
          And I'm not patting myself on the back here too hard, I fuck up a lot, but the people who jump into this whole thing because they dig the power? Don't work for them (directly) if you can avoid it. They will do whatever it takes to hold onto said power.