jefflembeck’s avatarjefflembeck’s Twitter Archive—№ 24,418

              1. Do you know what I miss during this hellscape? Baseball. I don’t mean just watching baseball. I love doing that and catch whatever I can. But like, being at a game. Being at a bar and talking baseball. Being literally anywhere and scoring and talking stats and bullshitting
            1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
              Baseball is a bizarre sport in the realm of sports. If you won 3/4 games all season, you’d be the greatest team that ever played. It’s also bizarre in that baseball fans love baseball before anything else. This isn’t super common in sports
          1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
            So I got to walk into places anywhere in the country and be a Mariners fan and it didn’t matter if the home team was in the same division. I did this in stadiums and bars and wherever and people went. “Well, if you like them, you must REALLY love baseball”
        1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
          And then they’d talk with me about the 90s and Edgar and Griffey and Randy and then we’d slip into the 01 WA with the Diamondbacks and the Yankees and of course I was rooting for AZ.
      1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
        And I just miss that weird camaraderie that came with this sport that is tailored for math nerds and people who like weird historical facts
    1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
      I just spent my first summer without going to a game since I was a child and this is such a weird thing to mourn
  1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
    Anyway. I just rewatched the Dorktown Mariners series and it got me emotional for a second time and I’m left hoping again for a day when we can go back to some of those things that help us forget
    1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
      In case you haven’t seen it, it’s a good insight into major interests and big moments in my life - jon_bois/1261119124379402245