jefflembeck’s avatarjefflembeck’s Twitter Archive—№ 24,403

            1. …in reply to @anonymousCoder9
              anonymousCoder9 Normally I ignore tweets from full on anons, but this one is important to me. So, I recognize and (more importantly in this case) my company recognizes the impact of the drug war and how it has affected black communities. We work to fix this. See:
          1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
        1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
          anonymousCoder9 We're a founding partner of Hood Incubator:
      1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
        anonymousCoder9 We work directly with Success Centers for hiring
    1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
      anonymousCoder9 We recently donated $25,000 to the NAACP.
  1. …in reply to @jefflembeck
    anonymousCoder9 This isn't to say that our work is somehow done. It's not. We have a long way to go to work to help right the past of the racist drug war. We will have to continue to work for that for the rest of our existence. But we will continue working.